Walking in Faith [Book]
Walking in Faith: Stories of Hope and Encouragement for the Workplace (WestBow Press, 2011) is a book about God’s goodness and grace told through one person’s struggles in the workplace. Bringing your faith to work will make a significant difference in your day each and every day.
God calls Christian men and women to the workplace to walk out Christ-centered lives on a day-to-day basis in order to be a testimony to the work world. My call has been to encourage people in the marketplace by sharing my personal stories to challenge and inspire you.
It’s been a journey. I know each of you have a story and are on your own journey. It’s in telling our stories that God can use each of us for encouragement, healing, and support. YOU ARE NOT ALONE in your journey or in your struggles. We all struggle.
Most of us spend a great deal of time in the workplace and it can be a challenging place. You may or may not be on the career path you hope to be on. You may or may not be the professional career you would like to be. Whether you work in a coffee shop, a manufacturing plant, or an office setting, the challenges are the same — often the challenge of working with and for other people that may not agree with you, trust you, or interact well with you (or others).
If you are not in a typical workplace — if you are a mom in your neighborhood, a student in college, or a retired worker — your challenges and struggles are still the same or at least similar. This book is for you wherever you find yourself today.
Bad managers, over-extended resources, under-paid or under-challenged workers, recession, people taking jobs well below their experience level in order to bring home a pay-check, unrealistic expectations, being undervalued or unappreciated, lack of respect, personality conflicts, competing demands, lack of promotion, etc. The list could go on and on.
God continues to use the workplace to transform me into the person He’s calling me to be. Trust me, I’m not here to tell you I have it all figured out because I don’t. God has called me to share my faith at work stories with you in order to encourage you to keep going, even when the going gets tough.
My book is a collection of faith in the workplace stories. They are stories of my struggles and God’s faithfulness. I hope, trust, and pray you will find encouragement in the stories. If nothing else, you will discover that you are not alone in your workplace struggles.
God bless!
Purchase Walking In Faith here.