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Shawn Morrison


Available Keynote Presentations 

Making the Marketplace your Mission Field

Is the great commission only for those with a ministerial pedigree or for those who have a special gift of evangelism? How can we live our lives with a missional purpose and be effective in the marketplace as ambassadors of the good news? In Luke 10:29-37, we read about a lawyer who asks Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?”. We will explore these questions and more as we reflect upon some key principles and practices for living out our faith in an everyday context.

Interactions at the Intersections …Will You See Me?  

In your travels or your daily commute have you ever pulled to a temporary stop at an intersection or a freeway off-ramp only to be met by someone holding a cardboard sign with an expectant stare that immediately leaves you feeling a slight bit of discomfort? Perhaps you've even experienced a small tinge of guilt, or a sense of frustration towards those who appear to be freeloading. Maybe even a bit of awkwardness tempting you to act somewhat preoccupied or as if you’re looking for something in your car, merely to avoid making eye contact.

I confess that I have felt these same emotions myself. All this despite my many years of having worked and ministered to the unhoused and those experiencing homelessness. Like many of us, I have wondered, "Why don't they get a job?". Or "Should I give them money? Won't this support their addiction?". Or, "How can I have a meaningful impact upon someone in such a brief 5 second encounter?". With this in mind, I sensed the Lord prompting me to stop judging and to stop acting with cynicism. Rather, be intentional and take the time to meet our neighbors in need. My objective was not to exonerate or to vilify, but to simply capture, as Paul Harvey often said, "The rest of the story".

In our session together we will unpack the fruit of my many personal interviews with those who hold cardboard signs for a living. We will explore my learnings and how by personally interacting at the intersections I have become better informed, a bit more enlightened, and have gained much valued perspective in my understanding of those who are reduced to begging for bread and how we can all better serve this population with a Jesus-like response.

About Shawn Morrison

Rev. Shawn Morrison has served as a minister and as a nonprofit leader for more than 30 years, including in his current role as the FOUNDER AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of Good in the ‘Hood. 

Shawn serves on several boards and committees as an advisor, member, or as an officer. From 1999-2007, Shawn served in various capacities for Bethany Global University, formerly known as Bethany College of Missions, and held the titles of Director of Student Life and Outreach and as the Director of College Operations. In addition, from 2010-2012 Shawn partnered with Union Gospel Mission Twin Cities as their Director of Minneapolis Programs. He also served as the senior pastor for Cedarcrest Free Methodist Church in Bloomington, MN from 2006-2019. 

Shawn is married to his lovely wife, Jamie and together they have five children and a growing family of grandchildren. 

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