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Mark Coronna


Active Keynote Presentations:

Building and Empowering High-Performing Teams "Jesus-Style"

We can learn a lot about high-performing teams by studying Jesus' approach to recruiting, organizing, teaching, and sending his disciples out into the world. What we can learn about recruiting the talent needed by a business or organization can apply to new and existing organizations needing to refresh their teams as well as to replacing members as they retire. Let's examine Jesus' process and the key actions he took. There is much we can learn by understanding how Jesus selected, developed, and empowered the disciples which we can apply to our businesses and organizations.

Horizon Growth Planning

The most common problem for many businesses is growth. It's not always easy to concentrate on generating revenues and profits for the current month and year while concurrently and proactively developing new markets and product opportunities which will keep a business healthy. Lacking a defined plan for future growth can put any business at risk. The Horizon Growth approach helps businesses bring clarity to their future revenue and profit streams.

Intelligent Sales Pipeline: 

An Intelligent Sales Pipeline (tm) operates very differently than the traditional model. Selling today is much more of a conversion process, built on a level of intelligence-gathering and engagement. The “Intelligent” part of the new model comes from a proactive process of identifying and engaging prospects in a more effective process. “Engagement” is prospect-focused and less about us. It also has a definite focus on improved metrics.

Digitally-Enabled Business Transformation

Don't find yourself behind the "digital" curve as markets rebound from Covid-19. Digital business offers increased ability to manage employees, customer acquisition, and relationships. This expert session will help you structure an effective digital roadmap for your business.

About Mark Coronna:

Mark is a Chief Outsiders Partner and CMO. He is a globally experienced executive with a track record of helping businesses diversify, grow, and adopt innovative, cost-effective, high return marketing strategies. With his experience as a Marketing, Sales, and Operations executive, Mark helps transform go-to-market programs. His passion is to help leadership teams accelerate revenues and profits.

Mark helps CEOs and their teams across multiple industries and business sizes to develop key market insights, innovative products and services, and effective go-to-market programs to accelerate business growth. Mark employs his entrepreneurial spirit, executive experience in marketing, business development, sales, product management, operations, and technology management to skillfully build, grow, and revitalize organizations. He applies best practices from many sources and industries, effectively using digital marketing and digital technology to transform operations and create new revenue and profit opportunities. Mark is also an expert at horizon growth integration into EOS/Traction.

Mark is the author of four eBooks and 35 articles focusing on business growth engines, value propositions, digital transformation, and building an “Intelligent Sales Pipeline™.” He is also the host of his own radio show and podcast called The Practical CMO.

As a licensed minister in the Evangelical Covenant Church and pastor of a small rural church in Stockholm, WI, His approach to work is as worship and he applies biblical principles to his relationships. He is also a strong advocate for Ed Silvoso and Anointed for Business and Ekklesia transformation.

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