Dave Vaubel

Available Keynote Presentation
A Good Mission - but a Bad God: Works Proper Place.
1. Good mission - Work is a God ordained pre-fall mission that God gave mankind to do. Though it too has been affected by the fall, it is a good thing, meant for God’s glory, his peoples good, and order in his world. 2. A bad God - Work will not fulfill us; it was not meant to. It is not where we are meant to find our hope, value, or identity despite what modern American culture would have us believe. While it is a good mission from God, it is not heart meant to be where we find true life. 3. Works proper place - is under the cross of Christ. It is only as we are transformed by the love and grace of God in Jesus that work fits into its proper place in our hearts.
About Dave Vaubel
The most important part of my life is my relationship with the Lord. He is my hope in this life and the next. It is by his grace alone that I am not a shell of a man grasping at vain things to find life. He has blessed me with a great young family who I cherish very much. I have a wife and I have two daughters who are 8 and 12. We live in Victoria, and enjoy spending time together outdoors, and playing sports. In business God has blessed the work of my hands though some unconventional routes. When I was 27, I started a company a business facing company that sold sports, concert, and theatre tickets. In 2019 I sold that company and starting actively trading. Over the last couple years, I have phased out of that into passive investing. God has placed a desire in my heart to share the gospel with people. To that end, I started pursuing a degree in theological studies in the last fall. Seeing people grow into a deeper relationship with the Lord, or come to know his love, grace, and mercy in Christ for the first time is a joy